Marketing management services
Modern marketing management requires strategy, technology and people working together to achieve the company’s goals. As the operating environment becomes increasingly complex, defining a strategic direction, making choices and clarity about goals is a competitive advantage for the company.
We help you with challenging strategic challenges related to marketing management. We will help you identify goals, create metrics and define actions to get there, and we will also support you in implementing it.
Are you struggling with the following challenges? Contact us and let’s roll up our sleeves:
- Marketing developments are sporadic and do not lead to business results
- Marketing direction and link to business strategy remains undefined
- Your marketing strategy is only in people’s heads
- Marketing practices within your company and/or with partners are slow and cumbersome
- Developing the customer experience is important to your company, but you would like to see a systematic way of working and metrics
As a leader, do you need coaching from your peers? Would you like an experienced strategic marketing expert to spar you? Contact us to discuss further.
Improve your organization’s performance
We help you improve your organization’s performance by solving pre-identified challenges, examining your current state and identifying the biggest areas for improvement, as well as creating solutions and putting them into practice. We use participatory methods in our work, but we are able to work fully as a turnkey office or support your in-house team if needed.
“Marketing and communications play a key role in enabling business success. We make extensive use of the entire marketing funnel, from raising awareness and generating demand to tactical measures. In this project, we were able to crystallize the goals nicely and create clear indicators for achieving the goals. In the end, the most important task of marketing is to help the business succeed in a customer-oriented manner.”
Jenni Kässi, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Aalto EEWe offer extensive marketing management services, such as:
- Marketing strategies
- Customer experience development
- Marketing goals & metrics
- Definition and construction of development roadmaps
- Increase marketing effectiveness
- Operating methods and models within the company and with partners
Let´s talk more! Contact us: