BlogSirpa Toljander 11.02.2021

What 5 things should you consider in content marketing right now? 

Brand development Marketing development Marketing communications Brand Customer experience Customer insight

Content marketing investments are predicted to double globally by 2028. Now more than ever, you need to know exactly who you are addressing and what kind of content is needed at each stage of the purchase path – and for which channel. With the removal of third-party cookies, personal data and channels will play an increasingly central role. Read how our Customer Experience Strategist Sirpa Toljander expects all this to be reflected in content marketing in 2023. 

The current state of the world and rising inflation levels have made Finns more prudent buyers. As purchases are weighed more and more carefully, more is required from the content in order to arouse interest and carry all the way to the purchase. On the other hand, with more consideration and comparison, compelling content is great places to make a big impact! 

In 2023, we need to create even better content and know exactly which stage of the customer journey we are focusing our efforts on. Here are five content trends and the questions they raise to consider in 2023: 

1. Customer journey thinking is strengthened – content provides solutions exactly when they are needed 

Customer experience covers all the feelings and thoughts that arise for the customer during the customer journey when interacting with the company. Customer journey thinking will be increasingly visible in the strategic planning of content. 

“The impetus for buying may come from tactical advertising, for example, but after that the consumer returns to seek information about products, prices and places of purchase — it is for this stage of consideration that the right kind of content is needed. The consumer wants to be sure that they are making a good decision.” 

Kirsi Laakso, Customer Insight Director, Dagmar

Customer-oriented content requires strong customer understanding. Whether it’s instructing a brand new customer on how to use the service or a customer in the consideration window finding it difficult to compare different products, the most important thing is to offer solutions. Let’s respond to the customer’s challenges – not guess, but find them out by researching them and involve the target group. 

Although formats, channels, timeliness, user experience and technical implementations promote the success of content, focusing on why the customer buys should be the steak of content. 

2. Channel awareness is respected – content is designed in a customer- and channel-oriented manner 

Today’s consumers are channel-conscious, they think about algorithms and user experience, and demand content that they are used to seeing or want to consume on that particular channel. 

Today’s consumers are channel-conscious, they think about algorithms and user experience, and demand content that they are used to seeing or want to consume on that particular channel. 

As the use of TikTok began to become widespread and similar content trickled down to Instagram, the campaign “Make Instagram Instagram again” emerged in response. Users were disturbed by changes in the algorithm, the increase in ads, TikTok-likeness, lack of chronology and, in general, the increase in the number of “suggested posts” so much that they could no longer find their own followed posts in their own stream. 

Consumer expectations for both different channels and their content have grown. Your account can even be deleted if it no longer serves. 

Content marketing questions in 2023: 
Is our content both customer-oriented and channel-driven? Do they fit the channel and serve the needs of users in the channel as desired? 

3. Content marketing is more far-sighted and managed 

When more is invested in content marketing, competition for consumer attention will intensify – and consumer demands for content will increase. 

In 2023, content marketing will be more customer- and channel-oriented, but also more far-sighted. Content strategies create themes to outline content creation. Content planning and production is done smarter and more processed. Content needs and necessary formats are considered in good time, and content versioning and possibilities for further use are planned even before productions. 

Content marketing questions in 2023: 
What kind of themes will we put at the core of our content strategy? Does our content strategy start from our business goals and does it also serve the annual goals of sales and customer service, for example? How do we fine-tune the content design and production process so smoothly that we can operate without bottlenecks and make the most of versioning and reusing content? 

4. Responsibility and reputation are highlighted more prominently 

How can sustainability be put at the core of the brand strategy? For example, Chouinard, owner of clothing brand Patagonia, donated his share to an organization that fights climate change. In the future, the proceeds will be directed to saving the planet! 

In recent years, demands related to sustainable development and other societal impact in particular have increased. This forces brands to be transparent and truly responsible – consumers are aware, especially zetas! 

Content marketing questions in 2023:  
Are you doing the bare minimum or is sustainability at the core of your strategy? Are sustainability issues at the core of the content strategy? 

5. Making content more inclusive 

Technology increasingly supports interactive content. When more is invested in understanding the customer journey and customer experience, participatory content can also be placed better at the right time and place. 

For example, serving banners that allow you to collect leads in the media without leaving the page, gamified content and various surveys that personalize the advertisement – all of these will increase. 

Content Marketing Questions in 2023: 
Has your content reached its full potential – is your content participatory, does it have another servant function? 


Sirpa Toljander

CX Director


Sirpa is Dagmar’s Customer Experience Director, who advocates for engaging, insightful, and sharp content that involves the target group, and gets excited about the use of agile processes and operating models in all marketing activities.

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